Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Planning and Threat Assessment Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Planning and Threat Assessment Paper - Essay Example Since the case involves heavy racial undertones, the composition and characteristics of the security detail is a critical issue and should be analyzed. Every individual must be cross-checked to determine any conflicting issues as internal threats must be eliminated before effectively managing possible external threats. First, it would be appropriate to have all men come from the white profile as having others from other races would present a conflict of interest. No matter how much training the security personnel has received, there is still the probability of reacting negatively to the blatant and controversial statements made by the client. Secondly, any affiliations and correspondences made by each security personnel should be analyzed to determine any pathways for leakage of information and breach of confidentiality. It should be stressed upon each individual that no information regarding the operation shall be discussed in any way to other people no matter how close or innocent they are. This group shall be comprised of 6 individuals and shall provide the escort and guarding of the client during the trip and case hearing. 1 person shall be the designated driver and shall guard the automobile against any threat. 2 individuals shall be responsible for crowd control and the remaining shall provide close security. Monitoring and securing of property in the absence of the client shall be undertaken by 2 individuals. 1 individual should have been enough to scare away any intruder or alert the authorities regarding any unusual activities but from the given case, it should be expected that only minimal assistance shall be provided by the community who hates the client. This situation makes 2 individuals appropriate for the job. Preliminary Information Gathering Activities Security and threat assessment necessitates that intensive and exhaustive information regarding the risk associated with the activity shall be provided. In the case given, the client is required to be present in a highly controversial hearing and safely return to his residence after it. It shall be assumed that the itinerary would not only be limited to going to the court and back but shall also consider any variety of functions requested by the client during the course of the trip. This shall include meetings, invitations for meals at restaurants, other personal activities or a trip to the hospital. Thus, the necessary information shall include the following: Transportation method There shall be two vehicles for transport of the client, the nurse and the security personnel. The first vehicle shall be occupied by three security individuals while the second one would contain the other three security detail including the team leader, the client and the nurse. When the vehicle containing the client is damaged, he shall be transferred to the other car. Designated drivers shall be skilled enough for driving in stressful situations. The client's protection is the priority but the nurse shall also be provided enough protection to be able to function in case medical treatments become necessary. As
Monday, October 28, 2019
Reflective essay on social work
Reflective essay on social work Examine your own personal and professional development in relation to the values of social work. Introduction Social workers are usually motivated either by personal experience, something that has happened in their lives, or by a desire to see that people receive the kind of help that they need in times of crisis. I think that looking at these issues and trying to analyse what motivates you and what helps you to develop professionally are critical issues in social work training. This kind of examination spills over into a person’s professional practice because it helps the social worker to take more care when it comes to assessing a person’s need. This course has helped me to examine my own personal values as they relate to values issues during the course and also how this works out in my professional practice. In some respects values and ethics are interchangeable in this paper, in others values represent the more personal aspect and ethics the wider context. This need to think about my values and the values of social work, is making me into what Schon (1991) calls a reflectiv e practitioner. Shon’s work demonstrates how important it is for social workers to be reflective, to think about what they are doing and to refine their later actions. This reflection is extremely important when it comes to values and how values impact on the way you look at the world and relate to other people. This paper will look at my personal and professional development in relation to the values of social work. There will be an assessment of social values as they are found in the literature that I have looked at during the course. Finally I will evaluate the areas where I would like to develop both personally and professionally in relation to social work values. Personal and Professional Development and Values Issues I think that this course has helped me to assess what my personal values are, not just that they are inherited, but how they have become my own. I believe that this process is invaluable to my personal and professional development and to my understanding of issues to do with values. During my time on the course I have learned to think more deeply about what I do and to examine my own personal values and see how far they might be comparable to the values issues I have been studying. I have also learned that I constantly need to think about what I am doing and how far this agrees or conflicts with my basic values and the values of social work. Shon (1991) has argued that: Professionals claim to contribute to social well-being, put their clients’ needs ahead of their own, and hold themselves accountable to standards of competence and morality. But both popular and scholarly critics accuse the professions of serving themselves at the expense of their clients, ignoring their obligation to public service, and failing to police themselves effectively (Schon, 1991:11-12). The way in which social workers ‘police’ themselves is to think critically about what they are doing, why they are doing it, and what moral implications this may have. Certainly social work ethics does not lead me to believe that the social work profession should serve itself, rather the needs of the client should be most important. There should also be an early establishing of clear relationship boundaries as to great a personal involvement with a client is contrary to what the BASW has to say about social work ethics and values. One of things that I have learned during the course is that in higher education attention always has to be paid to the question of knowledge and what it is that makes knowledge. Since the Enlightenment it has been said that knowledge is drawn from observable facts (as in science) and this has meant that knowledge based on experience is not so highly thought of. The objective, scientific view of knowledge has increasingly been challenged as a narrow view that maintains there is a specific response to situations that a practitioner can employ and thus solve a problem. The Enlightenment view is one which tends to forget that people (both social workers and their clients) are individuals and so there is not one size that fits all, rather each situation has to be responded to in a way that best suits the situation and the people involved. Schon (1991) maintains that this knowledge is acquired through process or doing. It is a key part of reflective practice which recognises the importance of non-rational knowledge. Arguably this type of knowledge is invaluable to social workers because they deal with people and have to think about their relationship with others on a daily basis. Social workers are often faced with a conflict of values, on the one hand there is a particular client and situation and on the other there is an increasing need to satisfy bureaucracy by processing a case as quickly as possible. In a situation like this it is very easy to be governed by rules and procedures and particular theoretical approaches that may have little basis in reality. I am finding that good social work practice puts the needs of the client first and the rules and procedures second, particularly where they might contradict the values of social work. Social work, it would seem to me is based on a common sense of justice and on the basic worth of all human beings. Once this value is acknowledged and it is accepted that all human beings are valuable then the response has to be the one that best suits the situation and the people involved. I have been brought up to have respect for myself and other people and to tell the truth. I have found that if I try to understand my work from this basis which in the literature, is a human rights perspective, then not only am I being true to the values of social work, but I am being true to my own values. Cemlyn and Briskman (2003) argue that social workers who base their practice on concepts of human rights and social justice need to be more aware of how the inequalities that they see in society might affect their practice. Sometimes society and its rules are not always just, society does not always operate in the best interests of the individual person, furthermore, the fact that social care is now based on how well it operates in the market, means that the legal framework within which a social worker has to act may also (however much it is unintended) work against individual rights. In these cases, Cemlyn and Briskman (2003) believe that the social worker has a duty to be prepar ed to go outside of the immediate context and be ready to operate at a personal level from an ethical sense and decision making process that is informed by the valuing of the human person and the concept of human rights. In a contemporary context the notion of human rights is all encompassing, however much the present Government might try to restrict it in many cases. In social work, it is arguably the case that the values of human rights and social justice are different from Enlightenment ideas of human rights and justice.. They are more inclusive in that the concept refers to all people and in this sense they are more true. Such values, it has to be said, should not be at the mercy of a system which is more concerned with rules that are governed by budgetary concerns. Ring (2001) explains this process when he says that: The last two decades have seen an increasing emphasis on the performance of health and social services. This is attributable partly to central governments concern to ensure value for money and contain expenditure, but variations in the range, quality, and costs of care, and failures to protect vulnerable individuals have also been significant concerns (Ring, 2001:1).. Giving way to this means that those who actually need the social services, for instance the poor, or children at risk, or those with physical and mental disabilities, end up the losers and are pushed even further to the margins of society. Reading and Values Practical reflection Ruch (2002) contends makes a practitioner more open to new and different ways of coping with clients and their situations. Social workers also have to be aware of the more rational and theoretical approaches that underpin their work. I have learned from my reading about social values and social work that these things do not operate in isolation but are drawn together when I reflect critically on what I have read and what I am doing. I hope that the critical reflection which is a result of the above two processes means that I will work for the good of whatever client I may be dealing with and that I will be able to hold to the view that oppression is wrong. My reading on social values has taught me that as a social worker my practice should work against oppression. From an ethically informed perspective critical reflection should be a necessary part of social work training and practice because there is always a need to stop and think when you are dealing with peop le. In the same way, an emancipatory and anti-oppressive attitude is a critical component of ethical social work. When a practitioner is driven by target orientated structures then he/she does not have the time to think about what they are doing and to learn from the process. They can then, without meaning it, be drawn into unethical practice, or practice that works against the needs of the client. In this way they can end up violating their professional code of ethics if they are not careful. Social work practice that is based on heavily prescribed rules and actions is not equipped to deal with the complex nature of modern western society. In this way such practice is actually contrary to social work ethics as it neglects the fact that you are dealing with each client and situation on its on merits. Reflective practice, on the other hand, acknowledges the uniqueness of each human being and each situation that arguably makes it much more compatible with social work ethics. Who a person is, their life history their culture, their race, and their gender all affect how they act and judge in a given situation. When I reflect on my work it is a way of noticing where and if I am biased about something and how this affects and influences my perception of a given person or situation. Holding to my personal values and to the values of social work means that I have to get to know myself well. Self-knowledge is, or should be a necessary component in a social worker’s continuing development. Papell (1996) contends that: Social work learners must perceive the human situation which they confront in their practice and recognise that their perceptions are filtered through their own thinking and knowing processes, through their emotions and feeling processes and through the way they themselves integrate and regulate their own doing and behaving. Knowing the self is more than knowing how one feels. It is knowing how one thinks and acts (Papell, 1996:19). How far then, is a social worker being guided by even general ethical principles and his/her own social values, let alone a specific code of practice. Ethics are moral principles on which our behaviour is based and in that sense they are interchangeable with values such as telling the truth and valuing people. Ethical codes on the other hand, while they may be based on moral principles, are not as generalisable in that they refer to particular professions and the way in which professional behaviour is governed. Butler (2000) maintains that such ethical codes cannot be said to be neutral or value free because they have arisen in a particular context for a particular purpose and as such are influenced by the ideologies held in that context. The ethical code or code of practice as it is outlined by the British Association of Social Workers defines social work and the values inherent within the profession in the following way: The social work profession promotes social change, problem solving in human relationships and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being. Utilising theories of human behaviour and social systems, social work intervenes at the points where people interact with their environments. Principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental to social work (BASW,2001). [1] The Association maintains that ethical practice must be centred on the needs of service users Social workers of necessity intervene in people’s lives and have an influence on situations, ethical decision making is therefore a vital component of social work practice (Osmo and Landau, 2001). The Association is there to give advice to social workers on what constitutes ethical decision making in different contexts. Decision making has to be grounded in the values of ethics of social work. Some of the issues that social workers have to deal with and that involve them in ethical decision making centre around balancing the rights of one individual against others, around public welfare and issues of institutional and structural oppression. This can make life difficult because the social worker has then to identify when institutions and structures are being oppressive and how the values of social work may be used to combat this. Banks (2003) has argued that codes of practice and ethics are often idealistic that is to say that they are too far removed from the situation. Human rights for example might mean ensuring that someone has the right information to access the help they need, it is not always about large scale abuse. Codes of ethics can also encourage a false sense of security as they may be seen as providing a blueprint for how a social worker should act when it is impossible to legislate for every situation. Social workers need to be able to critically reflect on their own practice in order to act in an ethical manner in any given situation. Ethical codes are something that imposed from outside. This means that they do not have anything to say about a practitioner as a person and whether, and in what ways their personal values agree with or differ from the values of social work. It is here that reflection on practice is crucial. Without reflection on previous actions and how these might relate to the code of ethics the social worker could be at a considerable disadvantage in decision making and could either leave a child open to danger or infringe the rights of a possibly innocent client. Social work intervention if it is based on real social values cannot be allowed to be target driven if it is to be truly ethical and based upon notions of social justice. In some respects organisational and managerial ethos does not always fit well with the ideals of social workers and their practice and some councils are not so inclined to recognise the rights of service users. This can leave social workers with a dilemma, do they operate within a human rights framework or don’t they? Moral engagement with clients takes place at a personal level and Husband (1995) maintains that social workers should not feel themselves limited by codes that does not operate within a framework that is informed by human rights and social justice. Ife (2001) argues that within the context of social work practice a framework, and working perspective of human rights: †¦reinforces and validates the traditional understandings and practices of social work while in other cases it challenges some of the assumptions of the social work profession (Ife, 2001:1). Social Work Values and Continuing Personal and Professional Development While continuing professional development can tend to be outcome orientated in that the practitioner is attempting to reach a certain level of professionalism. This does not mean to say that reflective practice should be entirely forgotten and become totally process orientated. Rather, Postle et al. (2002) argue for a more inclusive approach of development where both outcomes and process are of equal value in the practitioner’s continuing development. This inclusive approach is achieved by reflecting on personal values and how far these can be said to be the same as social work values. I think my values are consistent with the values that underpin social work. I think that perhaps my understanding of how these values govern my behaviour and dictate how I deal with clients needs developing further. I also think that I need to pay more attention to what being reflective in my work really means and how this can be achieved. Conclusion Clearly social work values and social work practice have to be understood as two sides of the same coin. A social worker, I believe, cannot operate effectively without recognising how closely connected social values and the business of social work are. How we interpret those values, particularly if they appear to conflict with what is regarded as correct practice, needs careful thought and reflection. Our values may seem to remain constant but they do operate differently in response to different contexts and this is an area which I think needs further development. Adherence to a specific code of ethics and to social work values tends to imply that myself, and others learning to be social workers already possess a certain moral character and will thus act in accordance with specific values that take into account concern for the welfare of others whilst also having a concern for the self. I would hope that eventually this will truly be the case. Until such time, my values of truth and the worth of a person are very much in line with what I have understood about values in the course and what is contained in the literature. I hope that my engagement with social values during the course will lead me to develop into a more efficient, reflective, and ethically informed practitioner. 3000 words Bibliography Banks, S. 2003 From oaths to rulebooks: a critical examination of codes of ethics for the social professions European journal of Social Work Volume 6 No. 2 July 2003 p. 133-144 Barr, J and Steele, T. 2003 â€Å"Revaluing the Enlightenment: Reason and Imagination†Teaching in Higher Education 8 (4) October, 2003 pp.505-515 British Association of Social Workers (2002) The Code of Ethics for Social Work. Butler, I 2000. A Code of Ethics for Social Work and Social Work Research Cremlyn, S and Briskman L. 2003 â€Å"Asylum, Children’s Rights and Social Work†Child and Family Social Work 8 (3) pp. 163-178 Gardner, F. 2001 â€Å"Social Work Students and Self-awareness: How does it happen†Reflective Practice 2 (1) 2001 pp.27-40 Husband, C. (1995) The morally active practitioner and the ethics of anti-racist social work. In: Ethical Issues in Social Work (eds R. Hugman D. Smith), pp. 84–103. Routledge, London Ife, J. (2001) Human Rights Social Work: Towards Rights-Based Practice. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Papell, C. (1996) Reflection on issues in social work education in: N. Gould I. Taylor (Eds) Reflective Learning for Social Work (Aldershot, Arena). Postle, K. Edwards , C. Moon, R. Rumsey, H. Thomas, T. 2002 â€Å"Continuing professional development after qualificationpartnerships, pitfalls and potential†Social Work Education Volume 21. No. 2 1st April 2002 Ring, C. 2001 â€Å"Quality assurance in mental-health care: A case study from social work†Health and Social Care in the Community 9(6) 2001 pp. 383-390 Ruch, G 2002 â€Å"From triangle to spiral: Reflective practice in social work education, practice and research†Social Work Education Volume 21 no. 2 2002 Ruch, G. 2000 â€Å"Self and social work: Towards an integrated model of learning†Journal of Social Work Practice Volume 14, no. 2 November 1st 2000 1 [1]
Friday, October 25, 2019
Burmese Days Essay -- essays research papers
George Orwell’s novel Burmese Days is set in 1920’s Burma under British colonialism. It focuses on the imperialism of the British and its effects on the relationships between the British, the British and Indians, and between the Indians themselves. The novel concentrates on the town of Kyauktada in Upper Burma.      Kyauktada is described as hot and sultry. It is a small town of about four thousand. The overwhelming majority of the inhabitants are Burmese, but there are also a hundred Indians, two Eurasians, sixty Chinese, and Seven Europeans. (Pg. 16) It is near the jungle and the Irrawaddy River. There are many trees and flowers, including honeysuckle. Though the English have jobs to perform much of their time is consumed with drinking whiskey in the Club, retreating from the “prickly'; heat, napping, and occasionally playing tennis or hunting. Though there is not much physical activity by the English, they do not complain about it. They do complain incessantly about the heat and about the possible acceptance of natives into their exclusively European Club.      In Burmese Days the overwhelming majority of British held themselves superior to the Burmese. They feel that it is their duty to rule over the less intelligent “niggers'; of Burma. Through the description of the characteristics of both the British and Burmese, Orwell helps us understand the value system through which the British have come to the conclusion that they must rule over the Burmese. An example of such a description is that of Maxwell, them acting Divisional Forest Officer. Maxwell is depicted as a “fresh-coloured blond youth of not more than twenty-five or six – very young for the post he held.'; (Pg. 22) This description lends value to the light skinned and fair-haired British, though some, like Flory, have black hair. Maxwell is also very young for his post, giving the impression that he is intelligent. Mr. Lackersteen, the manger of a timber firm, though forty and slightly bloated, it described a “fine-looking'; with an ingenu ous face. (Pg. 20- 21) This description leads us to believe British are good looking and honest. Orwell offers us numerous descriptions of favorable characteristics of the British, but he clearly distinguishes “bad'; British from &am... ...sire to become a member of the Club is seriously discussed. However, U Po Kyin succeeds in his quest for the membership to the Club by ruining Flory’s relationship with Elizabeth, which results in Flory killing Flo, his dog, and committing suicide. The prestige that Dr. Veraswami had possessed died with Flory. This ruined Flory, making a membership in the Club impossible. Instead U Po Kyin was elected into the Club, and became and agreeable, yet largely absent, member. Any possibility for understanding between Englishmen and Indians dies with Flory. This is because no other Englishmen could see beyond the stereotype of Indians as conniving, lazy, uncivilized “niggers.'; Though Mr. Macgregor did not dislike the Indians he only found them pleasing when they had no freedoms. None of these opinions held by the Englishmen are conducive to a reciprocal, understanding relationship between the British and the Burmese. Even if the English had overcome these barriers, the natives held stereotypes of the British as power-hungry, mean, degrading, and naà ¯ve. The feelings of the natives toward the British would also need to be overcome if an understanding were to be reached.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Marketing Essay
Crispy Crunch’s main problem is that they haven’t advertised their product in many years. Since then the target market has changed a lot and has a very high multi-tasking behaviour. It is hard to pin point the exact needs and wants of this culture anymore except for one thing, they are all very technologically routed. With the internet at our finger tips, TV whenever we want, and smartphones in everyone’s pocket. That is the only thing you can really count on this day in age. The chocolate bar market is mature and experiences only modest growth annually. There are 4 major players all with similar marketing strategies; find something unique in the product and promote it. Chocolate bars can be found in the same locations and are sold at very similar prices so they must use marketing communications to distinguish themselves. Crispy Crunch has had little to none in the last five years. Crispy Crunch’s goal is to break into the top ten again and increase market share from 3.5% to 4% within 12 months. The current awareness of Crispy Crunch is 35% among the target market, which must increase significantly in order to increase market share and profits. My main recommendation is to reach out to the target market using the only real linking factor among them; the internet. I think rich media is the best way to reach this audience because it makes use of technology and is available to audiences of many different tastes and lifestyles at all hours of the day. Search advertising is when an advertiser is listed within or alongside search results in exchange for paying a fee each time someone clicks on the listing in those search results. If Crispy Crunch were to apply that type of advertising they could buy such words as â€Å"chocolate†, â€Å"crispy†, or â€Å"delicious†. When someone searched a phrase with these words they would see Crispy Crunch’s ad. Pros This is a great way to advertise since you only play for the clicks you get. It is available 24/7 to a large audience and 80% of all internet traffic begins at a search engine. Cons This form of advertising can be an annoyance to consumers, therefore they become put off the product. Rich Media Rich media Incorporates animation, sound, video and interactivity into the advertising messages, like a short commercial. Marketers have found that a 10-second ad is the maximum acceptable length for an online video ad, and if it is to be viewed entirely it must be entertaining. Pros The similarity to television makes it attractive to traditional advertisers. Many TV shows are now being viewed online; these ads are often placed at the beginning, between scenes and at the end. They are available 24/7 to a large audience. Cons Sometimes it can be hard to make an ad interesting in that short of a time frame. Some viewers find these ads to be an annoyance. Mobile Advertising Advertisers are trying to capitalize on the popularity of cell phones by sending ads via text message. Marketers interested in reaching younger targets are getting involved with text messaging. They are asking consumers to get involved with their brands by running promotions that include short codes with their marketing material, often found on posters, packaging, bottle caps, etc. Consumers can enter or scan codes to participate in contests, download free music, and get ring tones and prizes. Pros This is a great way to advertise because of the speed, directness, portability, and low cost. It is very common with younger target markets. Cons These messages are often seen as an annoyance and intrusive and are too closely related to telemarketing. Some of these ads may even cost the consumer for the data they use. Recommendations I recommend that Crispy Crunch begins advertising with the use of rich media. I think this is best suited to reach their target group which has a high multi-tasking behaviour. Many people in the age group of 18-29 year olds have hectic schedules and are now watching episodes of their favorite shows online because they are not always able to watch it and this form of television has allowed them a more flexible lifestyle around their shows schedule. Rich media also provides 24/7 access, it can reach many people at once and it is not as invasive or annoying at other methods of advertisement such as direct response, text message or email while still being very cost effective. I would also urge Crispy Crunch to stick with their previous slogan â€Å"The only thing as good as your Crispy Crunch is someone else’s.†as well as the general message of the campaign. The ads were short, funny, and to the point. I think that the people in their target market have most likely never seen the previous ads or have forgotten about them. Sometimes bringing back the old is very well received. A&W did very well bringing back the vintage vibe of their restaurants. The ads from the 1989 campaign were very well received and upped market share then and I’m sure they could do it again with the same overall message, they just need the attention.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Individual project Essay
Andy Rexford has started a cottage industry in his garage for catering for the niche market. Soon that market grows and so does his business. With this fast pace growth in the business Andy has expanded his business from one stitch machine to six stitch machine in the short period of time. Recently, Andy has developed a business plan which clearly states the good future growth and lots of financing required. Andy does not have much money of his own to invest in the business, so he is looking for the external financing sources. In this report, I will be discussing the different sources of external financing along with their advantages and drawbacks, and then I will be decided which source is the best for the Andy’s business. Sources of financing: There are various sources of financing the business but the most critical aspect is to understand which sources are appropriate for that particular business and how much finances do we needed. The assessment of sources is totally judgmental. Along with the judgment, it is also dependent on how willing he is to share the information about his business and ownership with others. Sources of finances are divided into 2 broad categories: -Internal financing -External financing. Andy’s savings and income are already been exhausted in the process of growth, and he requires more financing. To help Andy to take the decision wisely I will be discussing few external financing sources. External sources: External financing includes ownership capital and non-ownership capital. These two categories are divided into other several categories. For the business like Andy’s following three non-ownership capital financing is suitable. †¢ Banks †¢ Venture investors †¢ Small business association (SBA) Banks: They are the financial institution who lends the money to the businesses and individuals and charges an amount of interest against it. They are the hardest place to find the finances as the bank does not grant the loan very easily but the time is been changing now bank has come up many different loan schemes against which people are been given loans. A bank loan is considered as most desired mode of financing. People considered it as the most desirable because it is at times very speedy if you have good credit standing in the market you can get a loan in no time. Moreover, you can use that money in various ways and accountable for none. Although there are some advantages in getting a loan from the bank but there are some disadvantages as well. Disadvantages like, some loans carry a prepayment plenty so the borrower could not pay the amount early (Scarborough, 2006). Venture investors: Venture investors are those people who wealthy individuals, corporate and formal institutions who are willing to invest in the new business and growing businesses. In return for providing the capital to the businesses, they usually require a percentage of ownership in the company along with control over the strategic direction and payment assorted fees. â€Å"Private equity provides capital and access to a network that can transform a company into an industry player,†Karen E. Klein noted in Business Week. â€Å"But the price is high: a chunk of your business. †Like every other financing source, there are some advantages and disadvantages as well. The main advantage for the start-up business is that they are not obligated to repay the money. And the involvement of the high profile businessmen can also increase the credibility of new business. The main disadvantage an entrepreneur can have from the venture investor is that they become the part owners of the business, and thus they have the rights have a say in the decisions. The business owner faces a dilution of their position as owners and possible loss of power of controlling the business (Scarborough, 2006). Small business association: Small business association is the organizations in United States formed by the government that helps the entrepreneurs to start up their business. Small business association acts as the guarantor of loans for the people who do not qualify for the commercial loans. The advantages related to the small business association are that since it’s a government formed organization to encourage the businessman, they are charging very low interest rate as in comparison to the commercial banks. SBA takes a very quick decision regarding the approvals of loans to the people. There are many advantages attached to the SBA that makes it is desirable for the businessman but there is a gloomy side of this loan as well. Since its government loan no matter what happens to your business you have to pay off this loan before any other debt. Moreover, there is more paper work required than in commercial bank. The government wants to make sure that you are truly eligible for this particular loan or not. Andy’s source of financing: Andy should opt for the bank loan as it suits to the requirements of his business. Future of his business is very bright and there is a guarantee that his business will get double the size within next two years. So giving the ownership in his business would not be advisable if he wants to have all the profit, and he can have them as the matter of fact. As for the SBA, they have very long repayment schedule though the rate is a low but 20-30 years time period does not worth for that kind of loan. Since Andy only needs $700,000, which can be repaid within 2 years because the annual profit of Andy is 750,000. He can easily pay off this loan with 2 years. Hence it is suitable for Andy to take the bank loan. Conclusion: There are various sources of finances. Some financing can be done internally while some can be borrowed from others. In the case of Andy his earning is already been consumed in the expansion of the business. So it is suggested to him that he should take the bank loan because he does not need to give the ownership to the venture investors and does not need to give whole life to pay that loan. Bank loan will be the most desirable suggestion as Andy can pay this loan payoff this loan within two years. Moreover, he does not need to give any ownership to anyone.
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