Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Rice essays
Rice essays Rice is the main food for about one-third to one-half of the world's population. A mature rice plant is usually two to six feet tall. In the beginning, one shoot appears. It is followed by one, two, or more offshoots developing. There are at least five or six hollow joints for each stalk, and a leaf for each joint. The leaf of the rice plant is long, pointed, flat, and stiff. The highest join of the rice plant is called the panicle. The rice grains develop from the panicles. (Jodon, 300) Rice is classified in the grass family Gramineae. Its genus is Oryza and species O. sativa. It is commonly cultivated for food in Asia. Some varieties of rice include red rice, glutinous rice, and wild rice. (Jodon, 303) The kernel within the grain contains most of the vitamins and minerals (298). The kernel contains thiamine, niacin, and riboflavin (299). Rice has many enemies that destroy a majority of the rice crops. The larvae of moth, stem borers, live in the stems of the rice plants. Some insects suck the plant juices or chew the leaves. Birds, such as bobolink, Java sparrow, or paddybird, would eat the seeds or grains. Disease causing factors such as fungi, roundworms, viruses, and bacteria also destroy the rice plants. Blast disease is caused by fungi which causes the panicles containing the grains to break. (Jodon, 300) There are various types of rice grown all over the world. A majority of rice grown is cultivated rice. When rice is grown with water standing on the fields, it is called lowland, wet, or irrigated rice. Rice plants grown in certain parts of Asia, South America, and Africa are called upland, hill, or dry rice because they are raised on elevated lands that cannot be flooded, but with plentiful rainfall. Wild rice is grown along lake shores of Canada and the Great Lakes. It is usually eaten by people in India. Scented rice is the most expensive because is has long grains and tastes like p...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Biography of Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci, Mathematician
Biography of Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci, Mathematician Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci (1170–1240 or 1250) was an Italian number theorist. He introduced the world to such wide-ranging mathematical concepts as what is now known as the Arabic numbering system, the concept of square roots, number sequencing, and even math word problems. Fast Facts: Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci Known For: Noted Italian mathematician and number theorist; developed Fibonacci Numbers and the Fibonacci SequenceAlso Known As: Leonard of PisaBorn: 1170 in Pisa, ItalyFather: GuglielmoDied: Between 1240 and 1250, most likely in PisaEducation: Educated in North Africa; studied mathematics in Bugia, AlgeriaPublished Works: Liber Abaci (The Book of Calculation), 1202 and 1228; Practica Geometriae (The Practice of Geometry), 1220; Liber Quadratorum (The Book of Square Numbers), 1225Awards and Honors: The Republic of Pisa honored Fibonacci in 1240 for advising the city and its citizens on accounting issues.Notable Quote: â€Å"If by chance I have omitted anything more or less proper or necessary, I beg forgiveness, since there is no one who is without fault and circumspect in all matters.†Early Years and Education Fibonacci was born in Italy but obtained his education in North Africa. Very little is known about him or his family and there are no photographs or drawings of him. Much of the information about Fibonacci has been gathered by his autobiographical notes, which he included in his books. Mathematical Contributions Fibonacci is considered to be one of the most talented mathematicians of the Middle Ages. Few people realize that it was Fibonacci that gave the world the decimal number system (Hindu-Arabic numbering system), which replaced the Roman numeral system. When he was studying mathematics, he used the Hindu-Arabic (0-9) symbols instead of Roman symbols, which didnt have zeros and lacked place value. In fact, when using the Roman numeral system, an abacus was usually required. There is no doubt that Fibonacci saw the superiority of using Hindu-Arabic system over the Roman Numerals. Liber Abaci Fibonacci showed the world how to use what is now our current numbering system in his book Liber Abaci, which he published in 1202. The title translates as The Book of Calculation. The following problem was written in his book: A certain man put a pair of rabbits in a place surrounded on all sides by a wall. How many pairs of rabbits can be produced from that pair in a year if it is supposed that every month each pair begets a new pair, which from the second month on becomes productive? It was this problem that led Fibonacci to the introduction of the Fibonacci Numbers and the Fibonacci Sequence, which is what he remains famous for to this day. The sequence is 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55... This sequence shows that each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. It is a sequence that is seen and used in many different areas of mathematics and science today. The sequence is an example of a recursive sequence. The Fibonacci Sequence defines the curvature of naturally occurring spirals, such as snail shells and even the pattern of seeds in flowering plants. The Fibonacci Sequence was actually given the name by a French mathematician Edouard Lucas in the 1870s. Death and Legacy In addition to Liber Abaci, Fibonacci authored several other books on mathematical topics ranging from geometry to squaring numbers (multiplying numbers by themselves). The city of Pisa (technically a republic at that time) honored Fibonacci and granted him a salary in 1240 for his help in advising Pisa and its citizens on accounting issues. Fibonacci died between 1240 and 1250 in Pisa. Fibonacci is famous for his contributions to number theory. In his book, Liber Abaci, he introduced the Hindu-Arabic place-valued decimal system and the use of Arabic numerals into Europe.He introduced the bar that is used for fractions today; previous to this, the numerator had quotations around it.The square root notation is also a Fibonacci method. It has been said that the Fibonacci Numbers are natures numbering system and that they apply to the growth of living things, including cells, petals on a flower, wheat, honeycomb, pine cones, and much more. Sources â€Å"Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci.† Fibonacci (1170-1250), Pisano (Fibonacci), R. â€Å"Who was Fibonacci?†
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Professional Ethics Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Professional Ethics - Research Paper Example If he decides to send him to the asylum, then he is snatching away his independence but is reducing risk that the patient can pose to himself and others. Thus, the physician has to face a conflict between what is legal and what is ethical. Personal Values and Professional Ethics †¢ The physician interacting with the patient should be honest and straightforward, and should deal with the patient in a candid fashion. †¢ The patient should also be honest with the physician. †¢ The patient’s consent should be considered before sharing, selling or disclosing his personal information. †¢ The patient’s privacy should be maintained by blocking unauthorized access to his health records and personal data. †¢ Informed Consent is about having the capable patient take part in making decisions about his healthcare and treatment process (Wear, 1992). The patient should be well informed about all the circumstances and his wishes and judgment has to be considered by the practitioner. Ethical Theories and Principles According to Rainbow (2002), â€Å"ethical theories and principles are the foundations of ethical analysis because they are the viewpoints from which guidance can be obtained along the pathway to a decision.†Ethical Principles Beneficence. ... Justice. This principle states that physicians make ethical decisions that are fair to the patient and all those who are involved in the treatment process. The decisions should be made on logical bases. Ethical Theories Deontology. This theory focuses on that physicians should stick to their responsibilities when they are facing a dilemma in making ethical decisions. This will help them to make consistent decisions while adhering to their ethical obligations. Utilitarianism. This theory helps the physician to make choices whose consequences are better for the patient. He will make a decision that will yield greatest benefit to all involved. Rights. This theory respects and protects the rights of people as enforced by the society itself. Casuist. This theory enables the physicians to make decision about an ethical dilemma by comparing it to similar dilemmas and their consequences that might have happened in the past. Virtue. This theory is about judging a person through his values and standards rather than by his actions. Application to My Current Practice My current practice as a health practitioner is providing healthcare to e-consumers. I apply all ethical theories and principles because I aim to provide beneficence to my e-patients with least harm I can inflict upon them. I respect their decisions and stick to my ethical obligations. I strictly follow the Casuist theory whenever I am in some kind of a dilemma. For example, once I had to prescribe a diabetes patient to start insulin injections but I found out that his body was too frail to bear the injections twice a day. So, I referred to previous case histories of my patients to find out a
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Communication 101 PowerPoint Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Communication 101 - PowerPoint Presentation Example People like to do many things: eat chocolate or ice-cream, ski, go hiking, fish, play football, climb rocks etc. Many activities, which people enjoy, may lead to health problems, injuries, other negative consequences. Everything can be dangerous, but people continue doing things, getting satisfaction from the process of doing. Thus, smoking is the same thing. People enjoy it, get satisfaction from smoking, and are not eager to give up this habit, just because someone thinks that it is bad and harms them. Smoking is a good way to relieve ones stress. Smoking a cigarette helps a person to feel relaxed, abstract away from problems, think about the problem while smoking, get energy to start working on the problem. Nicotine helps the brain to produce norepinephrine and beta-endorphin. These chemicals make an individual feel better and raise his mood ("A Guide To Remaining Smoke Free"). One of the pros for smoking is that it helps a person to start a conversation and make new friends. Every smoker can ask another person, if he has a cigarette or a lighter. This question is a usual one, and is not considered to be rude or inappropriate. People, who smoke together, are distracted from their problems, and tend to find common topics for conversation more often than those, who just stay in one place. Seeing, that a stranger smokes too, means that you and him already have something in common, which unconsciously makes us like the person. Thus, a cigarette becomes a bond between smokers and helps people to get new friends. Many smokers state, that they fill more concentrated after smoking a cigarette. The process of smoking helps them to calm down, think over the issue, and start working on it right away. The medical research proves the smokers statements. Nicotine helps to reduce anxiety and distraction, and has the same effect as some of the medicine, which is used to treat Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Barbie Doll by Marge Piercy Essay Example for Free
Barbie Doll by Marge Piercy Essay The poem, Barbie Doll, is about a girl who was growing up in a society which regard highly of female beauty. The title illustrates that most females were expected to be like Barbie dolls. These dolls cast pressure on the girl to be like supermodel. In this story, the girl failed to meet the standards of society and viewed as a social outcast.The first paragraph describes a growing girl who was presented with dolls, miniature GE stoves, irons and lipsticks. This will ensure that the girl will know which gender roles she should be and not too deviate from the accepted social custom. The mood of the poem changes when the author describes, the magic of puberty. Here, it refers to a time of emotional crisis that the girl went through as she matures. She is constantly teased for not looking like the typical Barbie dolls. The second paragraph began with mentioning the girls positive aspects, such as She was healthy, tested intelligent, possesses strong arms and back and abundant sexual drive and manual dexterity, These sentences portray the girl image (female) to male characteristics. The tome in the poem changes again when the author stated, the girl went to and fro apologizing, and everyone still say she had a fat nose and thick legs, the society again, scorn at the ugly appearance of the girl. In the third paragraph, line twelve to sixteen, the girl is expected to fake her natural behavior, emotion and characteristics. The fan belt was used to exemplify that one cannot endure the pressure placed by society to meet their standards and will wear out eventually. Consequently, she cut off her nose and legs. Therefore, the last paragraph expressed her death as consummation at last. Dont she look pretty? Everyone said. In this line, the author wants the reader to make good judgment to the senseless situation in which society judge beauty to female. I think that children, especially boys, are not born with hatred or feelings of enmity towards female who have physical figures below social standards. They are all programmed that way by selfish or ignorant male adults. If these male adults can only take a look at themselves and see that all they have done is to destroy. The lives of their opposite sex, driving down their self-esteem to the deepest pit, then this society will be a better place to live in.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Human Nature Essay -- essays research papers
Human nature is the egotistical behaviours that drive the human race to be creative and inquisitive. Although some philosophers may disagree with the validity of this statement, others such as Aristotle, John Stuart Mill and Thomas Hobbes would believe it to be true. After examining the beliefs of these philosophers and using real-life examples to rebut the beliefs of those who disagree, man’s true nature of curiousity, creativity and selfishness is clearly evident.      Once inspecting the philosophical beliefs of Thomas Hobbes, Aristotle and John Stuart Mill, human’s creative, inquiring and self-indulgent nature seems indisputable. Thomas Hobbes was correct in saying that self-interest is man’s true nature. He spoke the truth when he described man as an â€Å"aggressive, greedy, competitive, anti-social and vain†(Gini- Newman et al. 28) species. Everyday, man demonstrates this nature as he works steadfastly to make money so that he can indulge in the life of luxury and opportunity that he desires. He then donates to charitable organizations so that he does not have to suffer from feelings of guilt for not sharing his wealth with those less fortunate. Even human’s creativity and desire for knowledge illustrate our races egotistical nature. Aristotle once said that â€Å"all men by nature desire knowledge.†(Gini- Newman et al. 26) John Stuart Mill later said that â€Å"no intelligent human bei ng would consent to be a fool.†(Gini- Newman et al. 26) Both of these philosophers were correct in their observations. Man is an incredibly intelligent human being. He can think abstractly and develop unique ideas and theories. However, man’s creative ideas and broad range of knowledge all contribute to his self-interest. Man prides himself on knowledge. His intellectual endeavors build his self esteem and ego. He feels proud and worthy when he invents something. Although many human being use their innovative nature to improve the quality of life for others, their intentions are always inspired by their innate desires to feed their selfish nature.      The selfish desires of man and his needs for creativity and knowledge of self are difficult to dispute. Although philosophers such as Joseph Butler, Mengzi and Siddhartha Gautama have expressed different beliefs on this issue, there are many examples that challenge the soundness of... ...deavors, I notice the self interest that lies beneath them. I realize the self-assurance that I gain by being knowledgeable and I yearn for the praise I receive when I create a masterpiece. Even when I help others, by donating money to charitable organizations for example, I am being selfish because my actions are inspired by my personal desires to alleviate my feelings of guilt and sympathy. When I reflect on my life, I often feel ashamed of my self-centeredness. Unfortunately, this is my nature. I can try to control it, but I can not change it.      The writer, Alfie Kohn, was correct when he noted the negative connotation on the expression, â€Å"I am only human.†(Gini- Newman et al. 43) Man’s creative and curious nature does make him distinct from all others; however, he truly is a selfish specimen. Everything man does, from working hard to earn a degree to finding a cure to save the lives of others, is aimed to fulfill his personal desires. Although philosophers may disagree on the true nature of man, it is difficult to dispute his selfishness as a species because there is so much evidence that prove him to be exactly this.     Â
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Report on wide screen displays
A widescreen image is a movie, computing machine, or telecasting image with a width-to-height facet ratio greater than the standard 1.37:1 Academy facet ratio provided by 35mm movie. Screen Aspect Ratio is fundamentally a step of the horizontal length of a telecasting ( or movie ) screen, in relation to its perpendicular tallness. In other words, a traditional telecasting has a Screen Aspect Ratio of 4Ãâ€"3. This means that a traditional telecasting has a screen that is four units long for every three units in tallness. Converting these units into inches would ensue in measurings of 4-inches by 3-inches or 8-inches by 6-inches, and on-and-on. By the same item, on widescreen telecasting ( such as today ‘s HDTVs ) , the Screen Aspect Ratio is 16 units long for every 9 units in tallness, or 16-inches by 9-inches, 32-inches by 18-inches, etc†¦ A 16Ãâ€"9 screen aspect ratio therefore consequences in a wider image show that a 4Ãâ€"3 facet ratio. This wider image show allows both films originally filmed in widescreen and new, widescreen telecasting scheduling, to be displayed more accurately.Latest development in widescreen show:Widescreen LCD shows:BARCO ‘s LC series of High-Resolution LCD shows has been specifically designed for usage in a broad assortment of professional applications. The LC household nowadayss chip, clear and color-accurate images on 42 †, 47 †and 56 †screen sizes. Dedicated versions with HD-SDI inputs are available. Having some of the most advanced LCD engineering available today, BARCO ‘s LC series stands for the ultimate in item. The LC series consists of a 42 †and 47 †show in native full high definition ( 1920Ãâ€"1080 pels ) and a 56 †show in quad full high definition ( 3840Ãâ€"2160 pels ) .Benefits:High brightness High contrast, even in high ambient visible radiation environments High declaration and pel denseness Frame lock and firing mechanism functionality Low power ingestion Long life-timeExamples:56 †quad full High Definition LCD show LC-5621 42 †native High Definition LCD show LCN-42 47 †native High Definition LCD show LCN-47 42 †native High Definition LCD show with extra HD-SDI inputs LCS-42 47 †native High Definition LCD show with extra HD-SDI inputs LCS-47Technology used in broad screen show merchandise:Plasma screen engineeringLED engineeringCRT ( cathode beam tubing )Liquid crystal displayPlasma screen engineering:Flat panel plasma show is the latest show engineering and the best manner to accomplish shows with first-class image quality and big, level screen sizes that are easy viewable in any environment. Plasma panels are an array of cells, known as pels, which are composed of three bomber pels, matching to the colourss red, green, and blue. Gas in the plasma province is used to respond with phosphors in each bomber pel to bring forth coloured visible radiation ( ruddy, green, or blue ) . These phosphors are the same types used in cathode beam tubing ( CRT ) devices such as telecastings and standard computing machine proctors. You get the rich dynamic colourss that you expect. Each bomber pel is separately controlled by advanced electronics to bring forth over 16 million different colourss. All of this means that you get per fect images that are easy viewable in a show that is less than six inches thick.LED engineering:There are many consumer advantages to LEDs over incandescent or fluorescent visible radiation bulbs. LED lights consume much less energy. They are 300 per centum more efficient than a compact fluorescent visible radiation ( CFL ) , and 1,000 per centum more efficient than an candent bulb. They have a really long life, about 50,000 hours of usage at 70 per centum of their original power. ( LEDs do n't fire out or spark, they merely melt. ) This works out to eight hours a twenty-four hours for 13 old ages at 70 per centum power. A typical 60-watt incandescent bulb may last about 1,000 hours. LED lighting contains no quicksilver or other toxins. LEDs emit no extremist violet ( UV ) visible radiation, so they do n't pull bugs. They do n't bring forth heat, so they are cool to the touch. They do n't bring forth wireless frequence moving ridges, so they do n't interfere with wirelesss or telecasting broadcasts. They besides are immune to quivers and dazes.CRT ( cathode beam tubing ) :The Cathode Ray Tube ( CRT ) is a vacuity tubing incorporating an negatron gun ( a beginning of negatrons ) and a fluorescent screen, with internal or external agencies to speed up and debar the negatron beam, used to make images in the signifier of light emitted from the fluorescent screen. The image may stand for electrical wave forms ( CRO ) , images ( telecasting, computing machine proctor ) , radar marks and others. The CRT uses an evacuated glass envelope which is big, deep, heavy, and comparatively delicate.LCD ( Liquid-crystal show ) :Liquid-crystal show telecastings ( LCD Television ) a re telecasting sets that use LCD engineering to bring forth images. LCD telecastings are thinner and lighter than CRTs of similar show size, and are available in much larger sizes. This combination of characteristics made LCDs more practical than CRTs for many functions, and as fabrication costs fell, their eventual laterality of the telecasting market was all but guaranteed. In 2007, LCD telecastings surpassed gross revenues of CRT-based telecastings worldwide for the first clip, and their gross revenues figures relative to other engineerings are speed uping. LCD TVs are rapidly displacing the lone major rivals in the large-screen market, the plasma show panel and rear-projection telecasting. Liquid crystal displaies are, by far, the most widely produced and sold telecasting engineering today, forcing all other engineerings into niche functions.Benefits of the WidescreenWhen used for amusement, a widescreen show is in its component when demoing widescreen DVD films in their intended 16:9 facet ratio. This means a bigger image more comfort and less otiose infinite ( less or no black bands on either side of the image ) . The widescreen show besides makes it easier to redact and see bird's-eye images and may extinguish troublesome horizontal scrolling wholly. Another benefit of the widescreen show is apparent when it comes to serious work – the ability to expose two Windowss side by side and to drag and drop ( or copy Ns ‘ paste ) information without holding to exchange between them is invaluable.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Silver Linings Playbook Chapter 19
Sister Sailor-Mouth I'm at the Crystal Lake Diner with Tiffany; we're in the same booth as last time, eating our single-serving box of raisin bran, drinking hot tea. We did not say anything on the walk here; we did not say anything when we were waiting for our server to bring the milk, bowl, and box. I'm starting to understand that we have the type of friendship that does not require many words. As I watch her spoon the brown flakes and sugared raisins into her pink lips, I try to decide whether I want to tell her about what happened at the Eagles game. For two days now I have been thinking about that little kid crying, hiding behind his father's leg, and I feel so guilty about hitting the big Giants fan. I did not tell my mom, because the news would have upset her. My father has not talked to me since the Eagles lost to the Giants, and I don't see Dr. Cliff until Friday. Plus, I'm starting to think Tiffany is the only one who might understand, since she seems to have a similar problem and is always exploding, like on the beach when Veronica slipped and mentioned Tiffany's therapist in front of me. I look at Tiffany, who is sitting slouched, both elbows on the table. She's wearing a black shirt that makes her hair look even blacker. She has on too much makeup, as usual. She looks sad. She looks angry. She looks different from everyone else I know – she cannot put on that happy face others wear when they know they are being watched. She doesn't put on a face for me, which makes me trust her somehow. Suddenly Tiffany looks up, stares into my eyes. â€Å"You're not eating.†â€Å"I'm sorry,†I say, and look down at the gold sparkles in the table's plastic coating. â€Å"People will think I'm a hog if they see me eating while you watch.†So I dip my spoon into the bowl, drip milk onto the sparkly table, and shovel a small mound of milk-soaked raisin bran into my mouth. I chew. I swallow. Tiffany nods and then looks out the window again. â€Å"Something bad happened at the Eagles game,†I say, and then wish I hadn't. â€Å"I don't want to hear about football.†Tiffany sighs. â€Å"I hate football.†â€Å"This really isn't about football.†She continues to stare out the window. I look and confirm that there are only parked cars outside, nothing of interest. And then I am talking: â€Å"I hit a man so hard – lifting him up off the ground even – I thought I maybe killed him.†She looks at me. Tiffany squints and sort of smiles, like she might even laugh. â€Å"Well, did you?†â€Å"Did I what?†â€Å"Kill the man.†â€Å"No. No, I didn't. I knocked him out, but he eventually woke up.†â€Å"Should you have killed him?†Tiffany asks. â€Å"I don't know.†I am amazed by her question. â€Å"I mean, no! Of course not.†â€Å"Then why did you hit him so hard?†â€Å"He threw my brother down to the concrete, and my mind just exploded. It was like I left my body and my body was doing something I did not want to do. And I haven't really talked about this with anyone and I was hoping you might want to listen to me so that I could – â€Å" â€Å"Why did the man throw your brother to the ground?†I tell her the whole story – start to finish – letting her know I can't get the big guy's son out of my mind. I'm still seeing the little guy hiding behind his father's leg; I'm seeing the little guy crying, sobbing, so obviously afraid. I also tell her about my dream – the one where Nikki comforts the Giants fan. When I finish the story, Tiffany says, â€Å"So?†â€Å"So?†â€Å"So I don't get why you're so upset?†For a second I think she might be kidding me, but Tiffany's face does not crack. â€Å"I'm upset because I know Nikki will be mad at me when I tell her what happened. I am upset because I disappointed myself, and apart time will surely be extended now because God will want to protect Nikki until I learn to control myself better, and like Jesus, Nikki is a pacifist, which is the reason she did not like me going to the rowdy Eagles games in the first place, and I don't want to be sent back to the bad place, and God, I miss Nikki so much, it hurts so bad and – â€Å" â€Å"Fuck Nikki,†Tiffany says, and then slips another spoonful of raisin bran into her mouth. I stare at her. She chews nonchalantly. She swallows. â€Å"Excuse me?†I say. â€Å"The Giants fan sounds like a total prick, as do your brother and your friend Scott. You didn't start the fight. You only defended yourself. And if Nikki can't deal with that, if Nikki won't support you when you are feeling down, then I say fuck her.†â€Å"Don't you ever talk about my wife like that,†I say, hearing the sharp anger in my voice. Tiffany rolls her eyes at me. â€Å"I won't allow any of my friends to talk about my wife like that.†â€Å"Your wife, huh?†Tiffany says. â€Å"Yes. My wife, Nikki.†â€Å"You mean your wife, Nikki, who abandoned you while you were recovering in a mental institution. Why isn't your wife, Nikki, sitting here with you right now, Pat? Think about it. Why are you eating fucking raisin bran with me? All you ever think about is pleasing Nikki, and yet your precious Nikki doesn't seem to think about you at all. Where is she? What's Nikki doing right now? Do you really believe she's thinking about you?†I'm too shocked to speak. â€Å"Fuck Nikki, Pat. Fuck her! FUCK NIKKI!†Tiffany slaps her palms against the table, making the bowl of raisin bran jump. â€Å"Forget her. She's gone. Don't you see that?†Our server comes over to the table. She puts her hands on her hips. She presses her lips together. She looks at me. She looks at Tiffany. â€Å"Hey, sister sailor-mouth,†the server says. When I look around, the other customers are looking at my foulmouthed friend. â€Å"This isn't a bar, okay?†Tiffany looks at the server; she shakes her head. â€Å"You know what? Fuck you too,†Tiffany says, and then she is striding across the diner and out the door. â€Å"I'm just doin' my job,†says the server. â€Å"Jeez!†â€Å"I'm sorry,†I say, and hand the server all the money I have – the twenty-dollar bill my mother gave me when I said I wanted to take Tiffany out for raisin bran. I asked for two twenties, but Mom said I couldn't give the server forty dollars when the meal only costs five, even after I told Mom about overtipping, which I learned from Nikki, as you already know. The waitress says, â€Å"Thanks, pal. But you better go after your girlfriend.†â€Å"She's not my girlfriend,†I say. â€Å"She's just a friend.†â€Å"Whatever.†Tiffany is not outside of the diner. I look down the street and see her running away from me. When I catch up to her, I ask what's wrong. She doesn't answer; she keeps running. At a quick pace, we jog side by side back into Collingswood, all the way to her parents' house, and then Tiffany runs around to the back door without saying goodbye.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Coursework on Business Law
Coursework on Business Law Coursework on Business Law: UNITED STATES V RADTAKES United States Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit, 2005 415 E3d 826 The defendants, a man and his son were charged with the offence of conspiracy to defraud the Us and Internal Revenue Society (IRS). The defendants paid employees on an ad hoc basis with check written from the Companies bank account instead of chanelling them through the Companies’ payroll as required by law. Consequently, they withheld no taxes or union benefit payment. Held guilty as charged. Circumstantial evidence should be permitted to prove committing of a crime when there is sufficient evidence presented to the jury with no intentions of defrauding the crime accused. Defendants charged with a conspiracy are not actually the real committers of the fraud. Once one is a suspect of defrauding, one has a chance to present his witnesses and prove ones innocence in front of a jury. The most significant defence to circumstantial evidence is the truth behold behind the evidence being produced. When the evidence has substantial truth and has a witness to support the evidence, the defendant might get a chance to prove on the crime committed. Once the evidence presented is insufficient proving that the defendant acted with intentions to commit the crime is difficult. Another circumstance to be permitted is by having absolute privilege on the crime committed. For instance, evidence adduced by witnesses in court and the defense arguments and counter claims during court proceedings, statements made by judges whilst hearing and determining a matter be for them, and statements made in the course of parliamentary proceedings cannot back up any action for defamation, irrespective of whether or not they were made without considering how true, false or weird they are. In addition, honest opinion is a good defense in action of defamation in many commonwealth jurisdictions. This is to say, if an individual make a defamatory statement whilst expressing a genuine opinion about the injured person while opposing a fact, the alleged statement cannot maintain a claim for liability against the statement made while presenting the evidence. On viewing a statement as an expression of piece of evidence or opinion it can depend upon its background, notwithstanding the fact the defendant creating the statement is considered to be knowledgeable enough to know if a statement made is true or false. For instance if an employer calls you a thief, in the ordinary course of things it may not be regarded as an opinion since a statement cannot be made out of the blues. Some jurisdictions instead of basing so much significance on what is a fact or an opinion in, they have opted to admit that statements which seem to be realistic normally hold circumstantial evidence. The penalty for theft should not vary according to the value of the property taken but should get an equivalent sentence accord to the property theft with an exceptions of white collar crimes. The defendant stands to be convicted of the theft if proven guilty, deprives or withholds information that is crucial in decision making. A defendant can be awarded penalty of the actions one has committed once; one has intent to conduct business secretly to their own benefit or to benefit other parties, either by stealing the organizations resources or using without authorization. A defendant convicted of a certain offense of theft should be charged according to a range set by the crime law section 1209.039 that specifies a variety or ranges that are to be charged to specific crimes (Simmons, 2007). A suspect who has not been involved in previous crimes and found guilty of theft should be charged less than fifty dollars while those convicted of theft felony should be charged an amount exceedin g fifty dollars in any occurrence. White collar crimes are non violent crimes which involves embezzlement of funds, frauds, bribery and insider trading. They pose a great danger to the subject country’s security and also it economy. Once a defendant is found guilty of this crime, the legislature deters to the crime by ensuring every offender, with no exceptions, serves a jail term equivalent to the amount in dollars that he stole. Essentials of a bad check law are determined by the standards set by the statutory provision to determine the validity of the check. A crime committed by means of bad check, an issuer is supposed to have knowledge that a check or money order is not liable for payment if it is post dated or has a notice of refusal. The check law presupposes that the minimum threshold of conduct required of corporations and incorporated associations according to their money orders and payments. This law enforcement on a corporate scale normally includes fines imposed on a corporation. Individual accountability for commercial offense has to be proven in order to take place by the party responsible. For example, a corporation may be expecting payments on selling a product that is defective and instead sell it regardless of its defectiveness. However, if one can prove in a court of law that with evidence that the check is valid and the company president specifically had knowledge or he had all reasonable grounds to believe that the check was forged or defective and yet authorized the sale, one can sue the corporation, but one cannot hold the corporation criminally liable. Given that a corporation cannot be jailed and do jail time, all one can do is to use the evidence to penalize the corporation and fines or court rulings. Halls employees acted unethically since they committed an act of defamation, this can be a good example of a statement that came with it a not so good impression of an individual, company, assembly, product, government, or nation (Simmons, 2007). The statement is prepared as though it were true, when in fact the statement is false. It as slander as it was made with spoken words, sounds, gestures and sign language. Defamation may be in any other form, like in printed pictures or words. To be considered defamation, the indictment has to be false but put in a way that it appears to be true, and to earlier be communicated to people other than the individual being defamed. If one believes you have been a victim of defamation, one can get justice by introducing a civil suit. However, one will have to show that the statement made was phony; prove that the statement did harm to the accused; and prove the statement didn’t undergo adequate investigation to know whether it was true or a lie. Buck acted ethically by hiring an investigator to obtain the information though behind their back. He used different types of defamation to bring them to justice. There are different types of defamation, per se, which means and shows that the defamation is a given and not necessary have to provide proof of harm. Defamation per se is when someone mistakenly says that you have an illness (for example they can say you are suffering from a serious and contagious disease) when someone wrongly claims you are guilty of misconduct sexually, when someone wrongly states that you have committed an offence, or when someone says, you are not in shape to venture into business. In such cases, the possible evidence needed is that the statement was prepared. Thus Buck did the right thing as there was nothing to hide. Public policy granting merchant’s immunity from false imprisonment and detaining innocent persons is has been admitted as a good defence in a number of jurisdictions (Simmons, 2007). If an individual makes an opinion in opposition of existence of a certain fact, the declaration may not sustain a claim for liability against the evidence presented. On viewing a statement as an expression of piece of evidence or opinion it can depend upon its background, irrespective of the fact that the defendant creating the statement is entrusted by the community to be the one to know if the evidence or statements made are true or not. To this extent therefore, public policy is an act that injures someone in some way, and the victim may consider suing the wrongdoer. Legally, they are called general wrongs, as opposed to criminal ones. Interest protected by the tort includes; getting an attorneys to obtain inquiries about defamation activities from those people in disagreement with neighbors or any the community at large, and have ultimately suffered from this lies. The rule most be worried by that type of behavior is defamation of character and a reason of action which is defined to include libel and slander. Generally, tort is telling lies on another person, which exposes a person to take the blame falsely. A slander is an oral defamatory statement which is made intentionally to injure the reputation of someone (Simmons, 2007). Libel, on the other hand is the making of defamatory statements in writing whether in a print or permanent medium, for instance, magazines and newspapers. Essential condition for a tort of defamation include: A counterfeit and offensive statement regarding others; The written statement of another person (this is a person that may be directly or partially affected by the said statement); If the issue involves a lot of people, mistake amounting at least to carelessness of the publisher Harm to the defamed or injured party. In tort law, the statement made is published especially when a third person is involved (Elliot Quinn, 2009). However, it is not mandatory that the statement be in print. Getty and Texaco acted unethically since the injurious statement was directly touched the status of the injured party. Albeit, depending on the laws of the authority it may be sufficient to set up mental anguish. Most authorities are normally so aware that defamation exists, where the claims are alleged to cause harm to the plaintiff. Examples of unethical judging include: Statement referring to a persons specialized character or reputation; Claims that an single person is promiscuous; Allegations that an individual is infected with S T D Allegations that the individual has devoted a crime of moral magnitude While activities for unethical have their inheritance in common law, most influence have enacted statutes which alter common law. This may significantly alter material elements of the cause of an action, margin when a suit is instituted, or vary the defenses to an action for offense. The defendant may be called upon to apologize prior to the applicants search for non-economic remuneration. The state farm acted ethically in the case, their business ethics go further than simple legality. They describe ways in which a business should behave and the manner in which it conducts affairs it is legally obligated to. The firm’s ethics are not the best way of conducting business as they are principles to get upheld and experienced. They describe the spirit of the rule, as opposed to law and order. The most important defense for the organization ethically is to act accordingly to the truth, which is, an unlimited security to a certain action for offense. Another defense to defamation events is right to have something. For example, where a witness stand in court and makes a statement, point of view being ruled in court by the judges, declarations made in the course of parliamentary proceedings or by the bench, are privileged ordinarily, and cannot cling to a claim for denouncement, regardless of how false or offensive they are. A defense predictable in most jurisdictions i s an opinion if the human being makes a statement of belief as contrasting to fact and evidence brought forward, the testimonial may not hold up a cause of action for offense (Elliot Quinn, 2009). Whether viewed as a turn of phrase of fact or opinion a statement can depend upon the context it upholds, that is, whether an individual is making the statement or not, would be viewed by the society as being in a place to know whether it is true or not. Some countries have got rid of the distinction between opinion and fact, and as an alternative hold that any testimonial that suggests a truthful foundation can support reason of action for denouncement. Security afforded by the tort disagreement with society’s awareness in free competition offers a justification comparable to an opinion that is reasonable to comment on stuff of public awareness especially in the society. For example, if a mayor of a given town is caught up in a bribery scandal, by expressing the outlook that one believes the accusation are true and are not likely to sustain a claim for offense. A defendant may also attempt to demonstrate that the indeed the statement made against the applicant were true since he was lowly regarded in that society to mitigate damages resulting from the offensive statements. A defendant who sends out a message without regard to the truthfulness of its content can plead the justification of innocence. For instance, the post office’s accountability is delivering letters which are defamatory, since it is not aware of content of the letter. Unusual defense is that of voilence non fit injury where the plaintiff consented to t he allocation of the statement. As a rule, tort lawsuits in opposition to a next of kin are brought apart from any divorce, termination or other relative’s law case. New York, Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee, however, it allows or encourages combining the tort case with relations law case; Alabama requires it. An individual can also become a public figure by appealing in actions which produce public relations within a thin area of attention. For example, a lady named Terry kolas was insulted by a television show; Already married with offspring, and wrote correspondence to advertisers in order to try upholding them from stopping their cling up for the show. Ms. Kolas’s actions made her became the center of mockery in a very big way. As these jokes existed in her public outlook, normally making fun Mrs. Kola being formal and critical, they were exempted since she was a limited public figure. While individuals targeted by lies May decide to sue, there are important reasons why activities for offence may not turn out to be what is expected. The public relations resulting from a denouncement lawsuit can generate a larger audience for the counterfeit statements which had been initially made. If a magazine or news show comes up with a story of a lawsuit, false allegations previously not known to many may immediately be made public. As Medias are much more suitable to air proceedings in a lawsuit than covering their eventual resolution, the remaining outcome may be that people heard of the defamatory statements, but under no circumstances learn how the court case resolute. Another emerging issue is that offense cases may be hard to win, and small rewards given alternatively after the case is done. Attorneys taking up this type of cases are not normally openly willing to take a contingent fee, and if suddenly if the fees is added, there may be a guarantee that denouncement action will be successful and can be in excess of the total amount claimed. Another substantial or main worry in most cases is that, no matter if a statement made may be totally false, the plaintiff can luck to come up with substantial evidence to prove defamation. In such cases people look at it in the form that the plaintiff lost by understanding that the alleged statements were true. For such selected cases, a defamation action can be used to bring about or to come up with a reasonable or logic sum of money to claim liability, can possibly face apparently negative publicity that may ultimately lead to falsefully accusing and innocent person, and if it supposedly doesn’t succeed, it may be reasonable to conclude that all what was said might have some composed truth in it. Normally, while many plaintiffs have the capability to succeed in prosecuting defamation actions, the opposite should also be adequately evaluated or considered when reaching an agreement on if or not litigation should be pursued. Defamation is said to be a statement which brings about not a so good character of a government, person, group, company, country or product (Simmons, 2007). The statement is given in a way that it tends to appear totally true, but alternatively it is not true but totally and completely false. Defamation may also be considered to be committed in various ways such as gestures, sounds, spoken words or sign language. Defamation can be in many different ways. This ways may be like in the form of pictures, printed words or libel. In order for a statement qualify to be defamation, the claim at hand has to be made falsefully, but has to be well composed in order to appear true, and the supposed false information to be spread over to different people not involved in exception of those being defamed. If one believes that you are indeed a supposedly victim of defamation, what is right to do in order to get you can get justice is to bring a civil suit. However, the greatest challenge is trying to bring out that the statement made was not true; next is to try and show how much damage that false statement did to you; show how baseless the statement made was and how it lucks evidence as to whether it is true or a lie. There are different types of offenses that are defamation per se, this means that the insult is given and there is no need to make available proof of damage. Defamation per se occurs when an important person claims with no prove that one has a foul disease, like an STD, when someone wrongly claims that one is guilty of sexual criminal behavior, or when someone claims that one is not fit to conduct a business. In such defamation per se cases, the only evidence required is that the declaration was made. When the denouncement is a statement that is made against public figures recognized by masses of people, like government members, performing artists, large corporation’s officers and enough evidence must be present so as to win in a lawsuit (Yeats, 2005). The defamed individual must offer prove that any statement liable was made with actual malice and with taking no notice of the truth, the person who has been defamed must have done so with the objective of doing harm with a reckless pay no attention to for the truth. If you have been the injured party of the offense, the best action to take is talk to a libel and slander attorney who will easily help you recover the damages made during the entire process. Public policy granting merchant’s immunity from false imprisonment and detaining innocent persons is a good defense in virtually all jurisdictions, if an individual makes an opinion opposing truthfulness of a fact, that the declaration may not affect any action carried out on evidence presented. On viewing a statement as an expression of piece of evidence or opinion it can depend upon its background, not regarding the fact that defendant making the statement is normally seen and believed by the community to know how true a statement is. Legally, torts are communal wrongs and not considered as criminal wrongs. Some tort acts like battery, however, they may occur to be both torts and crimes; the criminal may be in a position to face both civil and criminal sentence. Under long-established law, relatives were forbidden from accusing each other in an action for tort. The justification laid down those permitting members of a family to sue each other would lead to family breakdowns. However, today, many states have been acquainted with that if family members commit a tort to someone else; where there are a relative’s relations. Thus, they no longer forbid a wronged member from suing the other. In these states, next of kin may sue one another either during their marriage period or after separation. An injury shows that one is in the mistaken; hence the phrase and the person responsible for tort show one of his/her wrong. Torts may be dedicated to other forces such as trespass, which may be damage to the individual, may include imprisonment; property ownership; or may be dedicated without any force. Torts of this normal olden time are to the absolute or relation constitutional rights of an individual’s, or to personal property in ownership or real property, in possession, reversion or incorporeal, : the damages may either be by misfeasance or nonfeasance. Defamation may be in a very small amount of other forms similar to them, To be considered offense, example, in televisions, the indictment has to be false and has to be impacted some truth in them, to be aired to the nation other than the individual being defamed. If one is seen and believed to have been a victim of offense, one is liable to justice by introducing a communal suit. However, there need to be provision that the statement made was phony; prove that the statement did harm to the accused; and prove that the alleged defamatory statements were made without due regard to their truthfulness or that they would amount to an innuendo. One acted ethically by hiring an investigator to obtain the information though behind their back. He used unusual categories of denouncement to bring them to justice. There are different types of denouncement per which means and exemplify that the defamation is a given and not necessary have to provide proof of harm. It is trite to conclude that even thought in most torts intention or motive is irrelevant, this only applies as a general rule. Thus, as an exception to this general rule, in tort of defamation intention is relevant and that’s why malice has to be established in every claim for defamation.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Charlemagne Study Guide - Important Facts
Charlemagne Study Guide - Important Facts BiographyTimelinePeople Birth and Family: Charlemagnes parents were Pippin III and Bertrada, who wed in 744.His traditional date of birth (742) makes him illegitimate. Most scholars agree he was born after his parents married, possibly as late as 747.Charlemagne married five times and had numerous concubines and children. He kept his family around him nearly always, sometimes bringing his sons with him on campaigns.Only one legitimate son, Louis, survived him to inherit the empire. Campaigns, Conquests Expansion: Charlemagnes methods could be extreme, but the end result was the largest territory to be governed under one ruler in Europe in the Middle Ages. (See map.) Avars: 791-796The Avars had once controlled a small empire near present-day Belgrade. Charlemagne virtually eliminated their society, the remains of which would succumb to the Bulgars in the 9th century.Bavaria: 788When Duke Tassilo reneged on his oath of fealty, the king removed him from power and put Bavaria under his jurisdiction. This brought the territory of all the Germanic tribes into one political unit.Lombardy: 771-774Answering the call for help of Pope Adrian I, who was pressured by the Lombard king to anoint Carlomans sons as Frankish kings, Charlemagne launched a campaign that included an extended siege of Pavia, Lombardys capital. Saxons: 772-804The war against the Saxons, though interrupted by truces, pledges of allegiance and mass baptisms, was particularly bloody and included the execution of 4,500 Saxon prisoners in one day. In all, Charles engaged the Saxons 18 times.Spain: 778Charlemagnes most serious defeat took place when he failed to take Saragossa, retreated across the Pyrenees, and was ambushed by Basques. The death of one of his lords would later be memorialized in the epic poem, The Song of Roland. Administration: Charles generally delegated authority as follows: Comtes (Counts) ruled regions within the stable territory of FranciaMargraves governed newly-acquired territories (marches), where military measures were necessary to maintain orderBoth comtes and margraves reported to Dukes, governors of the larger divisions of land who were Charlemagnes close relatives and most trusted friendsMissi dominici acted as his emissaries and inspectors general, traveling throughout the empire Cultural Impact: Charlemagnes patronage of learning would result in: A Carolingian Renaissance in which art and literature would flourishThe preservation of numerous Latin manuscripts that would otherwise have been lostThe establishment of a good number of monastic schoolsThe creation of Carolingian Miniscule, an alternative to the capital letters used in Latin text Charlemagnes Legacy: Although the empire Charles built did not long outlast his death, still his consolidation of territory was an important stage in the growth of Europe. In addition, many of the changes and developments made by Charles himself, or fostered due to his patronage, would endure long beyond the Carolingian Empire. The offices created or adapted by Charlemagne would persist for centuries in the variations of counts, dukes and marquises across Europe and Britain.Charlemagne reorganized the monetary system, devising the system of pounds, shillings and pence used throughout Europe in the middle ages and in Britain until the 1970s.The monastic schools Charlemagne developed would preserve a tradition of learning, which in turn made an important burst of medieval scholarship possible in what became known as the 12th-century Renaissance.90% of the works of ancient Rome now in existence are preserved in the form of eighth- and ninth-century manuscripts copied in Carolingian monasteries.The Carolingian miniscule script would eventually become the lower-case letters we use today.The Song of Roland, inspired by events that took place in Charlemagnes worst defeat, is the earliest known chanson de geste. It is part of a cycle of works that revolve around Charlemagne, about whom many legends sprang up. These legends, known as the matter of France, would influence French and European literature through the centuries to today. Charles had a palace and a cathedral built in his favorite town, Aachen (or Aix-la-Chapelle), where he also died and was buried. Aachen became the location of the coronation of every emperor until the 16th century.The Carolingian Empire would inspire a tenth-century ruler, Otto the Great, to consolidate his territory in what came to be known as the Holy Roman Empire. Covering much of what Charles had controlled during his lifetime, the Holy Roman Empire was one of the most significant political entities of the Middle Ages. Charlemagne Study Guide BiographyTimelinePeople
Sunday, November 3, 2019
AVIATION SAFETY MANAGEMENT Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
AVIATION SAFETY MANAGEMENT - Term Paper Example This rise in air traffic negatively affects the normal operations of the air traffic organizations. For instance, the air traffic congestion can significantly threaten the aircrafts safety which is the ultimate aim of the civil aviation authorities and airlines around the world. The safety of the aircraft is the primary concern for any airline and the civil aviation authority as it contains hundreds of passengers at a time. Upon accident, the aircraft will be destroyed however, with it hundreds of lives will also be lost. This aspect makes the air traffic flow a top priority and concern for the civil aviation authorities around the world. Though there are various independent factors that affect an aircraft resulting into the loss of lives. Prominent ones are: natural disasters or causes, technological fault developed in the aircraft, human error by pilot or the air traffic controller, human error by the engineering maintenance staff before giving the clearance for take-off, communication and related barriers that limit the understanding and comprehension of pilots and air traffic control officers, etc. Barnier and Brisset (2002) undertook a research to devise a strategy to increase the capacity of airspace apart from reducing the challenges that the Air Traffic Controllers have to face while handling unlimited number of flights landing and taking-off every minute. Furthermore, Barnier and Brisset (2002) focused on the dire need of the airlines to cut down their operational costs by receiving faster clearances to land or take-off which consumes their most of the flights time. They focused on the Air Traffic Flow Management (AFTM) technique to resolve this problem that the European Air Traffic Flow Management has to encounter every day. Since 1960, more than hundred aircrafts have met a fatal accident in the United States alone. There are various factors that were involved in these accidents. However, air traffic controllers play the most significant
Friday, November 1, 2019
Development of Patient survey to Identify reasons associated with Essay
Development of Patient survey to Identify reasons associated with attrition from diabetes selfmanagement education (DSME) - Essay Example In US alone the figures released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2008 indicate that nearly 24 million people are affected by diabetes in the country, which indicates an increase of over 3 million in the last two years (Daly et al, 2009). Such alarming projections underline the importance of self help groups and self management education of the disease. Diabetes Self Management Education (DSME) is considered an important tool for controlling to some extent the epidemic proportions acquired by the disease in recent times. Such measures are known to improve preventive care practices as it helps the patients to lead a disciplined life, thus controlling the extent of damage. During such education the patient gets to know the necessary knowledge, skills and self care methods. In addition the patients also share their experiences, which in turn others in learning from the shortcomings and mistakes. But the DSMEs have been found to suffer from some limitations in that they are not able to maintain the numbers and enthusiasm of the patients, which leads to some amount of attrition from DSME centers. An effort is being made through this study to find out some such cases and correlate the findings to come out with factors cont ributing to the attrition rate. During their research on the subject Peyrot et al (2009) ... Expansion of innovative DSME delivery mechanism plays a key role in influencing the access and delivery of DSME, particularly in community based settings (Peyrot et al, 2009). The ICT era presents a number of opportunities to the educators to be innovative in their approach while reaching out to the patients. Such an approach not only helps in easy reaching out to the patient, but it also helps in saving on the costs. The results based on internet surveys of more than a thousand adult diabetes patients indicted that, Diabetes self management education (DSME) can prove to be of significant help in contributing towards the health and well being of diabetic patients. It was also found out that those having not taken the services of DSMEs are not fully aware about the benefits of them, but those aware about their functioning highly regarded the benefits of such education centers. It might therefore appear quite intriguing that even after being fully aware about the benefits, the attritio n rate is on the higher side. Research by Peyrot et al (2009) also found out that patients having experienced the benefits of DSMEs also inform others as well about the positive side of undergoing a disciplined routine with DSME. The fact that physicians too want more support from self-management groups and educators, is an indication towards the impact such educations can have on the patients. But physicians also find that the educators often tell the patients to do things which quite often they don't agree with. That implies that the DSMEs need to be more user friendly, and they might need to assess the need even on an individual basis instead of categorizing them on the basis of a
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